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Group of Southern Baptists Roll Out New “Conservative Baptist Network” to Oppose Social Justice Movement

A coalition of Southern Baptists have rolled out a new network, dubbed the Conservative Baptist Network, for conservative Southern Baptists who are concerned about the influx of liberal ideology and progressivism — particularly, social justice — in the Southern Baptist Convention.

According to the network’s website, the network plans to officially launch June 8 during the denomination’s annual meeting in Orlando.

Listing Brad Jurkovich as the spokesman for the Conservative Baptist Network, a press release on February 14 said that the network is a “product of a grassroots movement that developed organically in the hearts and minds of devoted Southern Baptists who have become concerned about the current direction and perceived future of the convention.”

The press release cites “insolence” and “disrespect” to Vice President Mike Pence as many Southern Baptist leaders and messengers walked out in protest during his speech at the 2018 annual meeting and concerns that there is “growing apprehension about where the Southern Baptist Convention is headed.”

Source: Reformation Charlotte

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