3 Ways Social Media Benefits Church Leaders


3. Expand Your Influence

There are plenty of significant leaders who are not on Twitter or Facebook … yet. But I think more and more people who want to have a lasting impact are joining social media.

Joining social media doesn’t mean you have to play Candy Crush on Facebook. You can control how much you engage. You can interact on Twitter from your cell phone and not even worry about getting bogged down in email activity.

One of the great things social media does is enables quality leaders to broaden their influence and impact. I can be at a conference and hear someone new, and if I like what they are saying or doing, I can tweet them out to my friends on social media.

Most people don’t know what C.S. Lewis wrote because they have actually read his work. They can quote Lewis, or Bonhoeffer, or Elizabeth Elliot because someone else read what they wrote and then shared it with others.

If these people hadn’t engaged in the prevalent media of their day (print), their profound influence would be quite limited.

We know about Jesus because faithful men wrote down what He said. Now we can embrace those comforting and challenging words in our own lives. Your ministry can have greater returns if you extend it through social media.

What would you add to the list of ways social media is helpful for leaders? What is the main benefit for you to be on social media?

Source: Christianity Today