The Tears of Jihadi John’s Father

The Tears of Jihadi John's Father

 The father of Mohammed Emwazi, the former British citizen alleged to be the infamous masked executioner in the Islamic State’s publicized beheading videos known as “Jihadi John,” has labeled his own son as a “terrorist” and hopes that he dies and goes straight “to hell”

Christian Post Report – The Telegraph reports that since Emwazi was identified as “Jihadi John” last week, his 51-year-old father, Jassem Emwazi, has been so ashamed of his son that he’s largely remained out of the public eye and has even failed to return to work at a supermarket 12 miles near the Iraqi border in Kuwait.

Abu Meshaal, a 40-year-old colleague of Jassem Emwazi, told The Telegraph about a recent conversation that he had with Emwazi, where Emwazi described the emotional distress he’s had since his son first informed him that he was going to join the jihadi movement in 2013.


Source : Christian Post