Standing for Israel

  • Susan Stamper Brown
    Susan Stamper Brown Susan Stamper Brown is an Alaskan resident and recovering political pundit who does her best to make sense of current day events using her faith. She tries to read every email sent to her at or join her Facebook page

Truth can be an exasperating thing, especially when we come upon it unintentionally. However, for those who have the courage to pursue it in its purest form, truth becomes the indelible essence of their being and the lifeblood of existence as they journey ever forward into that to which they are destined.

Christian Post Report – As I write, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s powerfully effective speech to the U.S. Congress weighs heavy on my mind. I am reminded of another time and another place when the mighty Israeli army stood against what many saw as a formidable foe. It took a young shepherd boy, David, to see the truth through all the drama.

Standing eyeballs-to-bellybutton against the gargantuan man-slayer, Goliath, this boy who would one day be king boldly defied the Philistine giant before him. Standing alone in that moment, David knew in his heart he was not alone. “You come against me with a sword, and a spear,” David said, “but I come to you in the name of…the God of the armies of Israel.” David threw a stone, the giant fell, and Israel’s foe lay defeated.

The scapegoat for all that is wrong in the world, Israel, faces a similar giant today. Imagine for a moment yourself as a citizen of a country about the same size as Houston, Texas. Now consider that as an inhabitant of this tiny speck on the globe, you must spend every waking (and sleeping) moment wondering if today will be your last. Will the enemies surrounding you fulfill their unified promise to wipe you off the map — simply because you exist?

This is the state of the state of Israel in 2015. Prime Minister Netanyahu effectively brought his case to Congress and regrettably, nearly 60 congressional Democrats, along with President Obama and Vice President Biden boycotted. Their inexcusable action speaks for itself but I momentarily opine to say their pandering to the enemy of our friend who is also the enemy of our times is tiring. And dangerous. One who did attend, House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi, later said she was “near tears” throughout the speech. She blamed her exasperated state on what she described as the speech’s condescending tone. I believe she was experiencing shame…embarrassment…conviction.

Publicly, Netanyahu thanked President Obama for supporting Israel. He had to…the world, the enemy was watching. Time and again, though, the administrations’ words and actions or silence and inaction have fallen short on the side of Israel. It is fair to say that Obama is the least pro-Israel president to date. And the most pro-Iranian it seems.

In his speech, Prime Minister Netanyahu made a clear-cut case why the Obama administration’s prospective deal with Iran is imprudent on many levels. In essence, Obama’s answer to this modern day giant known as the Islamic Republic of Iran, is to cut a nuclear deal with a terrorist state whose founding document pledges “death, tyranny, and the pursuit of jihad,” as Netanyahu said.

If we take Iran at its word that they will not acquire nuclear weapons then we must also take them at their word for everything else. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has publicly communicated Israel must be annihilated. Iran’s minions regularly squawk “Death to America.”

Unlike President Obama, and much like King David, Prime Minister Netanyahu looks the enemy in the eye, sees its true colors, and stands against it willingly. Standing up alongside allies is difficult; standing alone seems impossible.

“Even if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand,” said Netanyahu. But they will never be alone. Psalms 121:4 tells us, “Indeed, he [God] who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” and Isaiah 54:17 promises that no weapon or words formed against Israel will prevail long term. Meanwhile, we can do our part to stand for what is right by electing leaders who support the truth of God’s unchanging Word in this ever-changing world.

Susan Stamper Brown Susan Stamper Brown is an Alaskan resident and recovering political pundit who does her best to make sense of current day events using her faith. She tries to read every email sent to her at or join her Facebook page

Source : Christian Post