American Christian Society

American Christian Society

Together Let’s Make This Land Great Again!

As a society, we must stand for something or we will fall for anything.

 our new flyer:

“All species and races are created in types, in appearance and personality, just as chemical elements are created in octave wave groups” Dr. Walter Russell (full statement on BELIEFS tab)

It amazes me how many people fight for a system that DOESN’T REPRESENT THE PEOPLE!! 

Some people must pay $1,200 a month (or more) for health insurance.  Some people can’t put gas in their car.  Over 3 million jobs will be outsourced to India and China over the next few years.  Don’t worry the products produced there will come back for you to buy here in America.

In 2009 Americans living in poverty hit 43.6 million – that’s one in seven!

Today young people receiving a bachelor’s degree average $30,000.00 in debt.

Why American Christian Society:

Freedom comes from God not government

Healthcare for all citizens is the responsibility of all people in a society.  Having fair and equal healthcare when needed is NOT a privilege but a RIGHT as a member of society.  We are all in this together or we are not.

The removal of laws that restrict peoples freedoms and make things unbalanced i.e. the patriot act, affirmative action…

Putting our society above the race for more junk made in someone else’s society i.e.… “MADE IN CHINA”

The rest of the world is passing us by as we continue our search for ultimate political correctness.

Any land divided with so many different beliefs can never stand united.  There needs to be a common accepted ground to stand on.

At the same time allowing individuals freedom of religion but officially recognize this as a Christian land.

We need the return of unity while having the freedom to pursue our own individual dreams and happiness.

Every citizen has the right to bear arms unless convicted of a felony.  Defending oneself and ones property is a God given right.  An armed society is a polite society.

No government should stop listening to the people.  We currently are being ruled rather than governed.

We want the immediate removal of the Federal Reserve.

All people here illegally must be deported or jailed.

There are many people waiting for Christ to come back and magically take them away to a “heaven”

These same people do very little to nothing to change the world.  They say “let the devil have it, me and my family are going to heaven”.

The world is ours; we are connected to it and created from it.  It’s up to us what kind of place it is.  God will give us gifts but it’s up to us to nurture these gifts.  If you ask God for help he will unfailingly help and work with you.

People who think God’s gifts are free spend much time in wishful thinking and selfish prayer hoping God will “work magic”.

Many people think heaven is a magical place where the streets are paved in gold.  This is a selfish MATERIALISTIC idea.  Our ultimate idea of heaven should be to serve God and what better way to serve God than to serve your fellow man.

Our society can be a heaven or hell; it’s up to us.  It is our freedom to do what we want with our physical home.

Christ died so that we have the ability to not be doomed by our sins and mistakes.  We can rebuild with a clean slate.  Let’s not waste this wonderful gift.