ISIS Video Shows Baby-Faced Child Executioner Fatally Shooting Israeli Spy

ISIS child executor (Screengrab: The Mirror)

A young boy executes an alleged Israeli spy in an ISIS propaganda video released by the Islamic State on March 10, 2015.

Christian Post Report – The latest execution video posted by the Islamic State terrorist organization to Twitter on Tuesday evening purports to show a baby-faced boy, who looks no older than 12 years old, executing an Israeli counterterror spy.

The 13-minute video shows the prisoner identify himself as the 19-year-old Muhammad Said Ismail Musallem, who confessed that he was working for the Jewish counterterror agency Mossad.

Musallem, who believes his family members are also spies, called on his family to repent and declares that espionage attempts against ISIS are doomed to fail.

Musallem is led to an open field by the young boy and an older, bearded ISIS fighter. According to Breitbart, the older militant begins by praising the Charlie Hebdo massacre and extremist attack on a kosher deli in Paris. He additionally vows that ISIS will cleanse Jerusalem of Jewish “filth” and called on Muslims in Israel to murder other Jewish spies.

When the older militant finishes with his remarks, the ISIS child soldier, dressed in army fatigues, black hat, backpack, then finishes the proceedings. As Musallam kneeled to the ground, the young boy pointed to the sky and shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) before shooting Musallam fatally in the head.

“The use of a child executioner is significant because ISIS is demonstrating the ‘growing’ Caliphate and that they are raising their next generation of warriors now,” Veryan Khan, editorial director at Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium, told Fox News.

It is believed that Musallam was the jewish spy featured in an article in the February edition of the ISIS English language magazine, Dabiq, where he was interviewed on how he got involved in working for Mossad.

In the interview, Musallam said he was recruited by one of his neighbors who worked as a police officer in Jerusalem. He admitted that Mossad assigned him to infiltrate the group’s caliphate and provide intelligence on locations, weapons and who from Palestine had joined the terror group.

“He came in one day and asked me to work with Israeli intelligence,” Musallam was quoted as saying in the Dabiq article. “I told him I would think about it, and then went and asked my father and brother what they thought. They both encouraged me to do it and told me that it was very good job. They told me there was a lot of money in it, and that you could advance to higher positions. I knew at that point they themselves were working as spies.”

This is not the first time the the Islamic State released a video showing a child carrying out a publicized execution of a foreign spy. In mid January, a video was released showing an ISIS child soldier executing two kneeling Russian spies, who were allegedly sent to assassinate an ISIS leader.

“Allah has gifted the Islamic State’s security agency with the apprehension of these two spies,” an adult militant in the January ISIS execution video said. “By Allah’s grace, they are now in the custody of the lion cubs of the Caliphate.”

Khan added that TRAC has noticed an increase in the number of child soldiers that have completed ISIS training camp.

“Since 2015, Islamic State has been pushing hard its ‘cub’ training program and we’ve seen a significant uptick in ‘graduation’ photo journals, training facilities and one other foreign fighter child executioner,” Khan explained.

Source : Christian Post