John Piper Reveals Why PhDs in Theology Commit Adultery; Says They Cheat ‘Probably More’ Than ‘Less-Educated People’

John Piper (Photo: Screen Grab via Vimeo/

Theologian, John Piper.

Christian Post Report – Chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary John Piper, disclosed in a recent sermon what he believes to be the reason why PhDs in theology commit adultery and argued that they cheat “probably more” than “less-educated people.”

“Look around in your life, in your church. How many Christians do you see bent with all their powers to know God more and more — more truly, more clearly, more sweetly? Or, rather, do you see thousands fighting graduate school sins with a grammar school knowledge of God?” asked Piper in a clip from a sermon posted on his website.

He then revealed why he believes PhDs in theology commit adultery.

“Some of you might say, ‘Wait, there are as many PhDs in theology who commit adultery as less-educated people.’ To which I would say, ‘Probably more.’ Why is it that people with PhDs in theology commit adultery? They don’t know God,” said Piper.

“You can read theology 10 hours a day for 40 years and not know God as beautiful and all-satisfying — as the highest treasure of your life. Who cares about knowing God the way the devil knows God? He hates everybody. His knowledge of God helps him hate people,” said the 69-year-old Calvinist Baptist theologian.

“We’re talking about knowing God here in 1 Thessalonians. They don’t know God. They don’t know God for who He is — infinitely valuable, infinitely beautiful, infinitely satisfying — why your soul was made. There are more pleasures at His right hand, more eternal joys in His presence, than you could have in 10,000 sexual trysts.

If you know that, sin will have lost its dominion in your life,” he ended in the clip.

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Source : Christian Post