Sony Cuts PlayStation TV Price in Half in UK Due to Sluggish Sales

PlayStation TV PlayStation TV coming to North America this fall with a universe of games to stream, download, and play. Facebook. June 25, 2014.

Sony has announced it would be dropping the price of their microconsole, the PlayStation TV in half for the UK market.

Christian Post Report – Sony’s microconsole, the PlayStation TV, will be going at half price in the UK, as the Japanese multinational video game company struggles to move their units.

Initially thought to be a series of clearance sales, the massive discounts were eventually put down to the microconsole’s slow moving progress in the midst of the company’s faster selling PlayStation 4.

Sony’s microconsole has only been around for a little more than three months in the U.K. since it first launched in November 2014, and already it is feeling popularity pains over its preferred PS4 cousin.

Initially retailing at £84.99, Sony has cut down its retail asking price to virtually half at £44.99. This may spell good news for consumers who have been looking to get their own unit, but have balked at the prohibitive price.

PlayStation TV, also known as PlayStation Vita TV in Asia, allows users to stream their PS4 games to another HD TV unit. It will also enable them to play other Sony consoles such as PSP, PS Vita and PS One Classics on a single HD TV.

Critics labeled the microconsole as “over-priced and under specced” when it first hit the market, and with its new price point, Sony may finally see their slow selling microconsole pick up some sales speed.

Sony has been promoting the price cut, telling potential users they can benefit from the PlayStation TV’s advanced features and technology to improve their home entertainment experience.

The company is also pointing out the PlayStation TV’s accessibility and convenience of allowing users to play in any room in the home to further expand their gamplay experience.

Given the muted response to the microconsole to date, the price cut, if levied by vouchers for free major PS Vita Games, may just work to start moving Sony’s merchandise.

Source : Christian Post