Pope Francis Makes a Biblical Case for the Environment

Pope Francis Makes a Biblical Case for the Environment

Pope Francis is set to release an encyclical letter which calls the environment the “ultimate pro-life, pro-poor, pro-family” issue that Christians are called to engage in. The Vatican has said that this is not a political statement, but one stemming from biblical teaching.

Christian Post Report – Catholic News Service reported that Pope Francis is finishing up his encyclical on the environment, set for publication early in the summer, which is set to build on the statements of his predecessors who have urged Christians to focus more on preserving and caring for the environment.

Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said that Francis’ pro-environment initiative is not part of a political agenda, but based in biblical teachings.

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/pope-francis-says-protecting-the-environment-is-ultimate-pro-life-pro-poor-pro-family-issue-that-bible-calls-christians-to-engage-in-136605/

Source : Christian Post