‘The Good Wife’ Season 6: Episode 17 Recap ‘Undisclosed Recipients’

The Good Wife CBS/ The Good Wife

Alicia talks to Bishop on The Good Wife

Christian Post Report – On last Sunday’s episode of “The Good Wife,” Alicia meets with some well-wishers after winning the state’s attorney election, and Florrick/Argos/Lockhart falls victim to a cyber attack.

Alicia returns to the firm to find her office filled with gifts and other items congratulating her on her win. No sooner has she sat down when visitors and requests for favors start to come in.

James Castro is the first to stop by and he asks Alicia to keep his current deputy in place during her administration. She says that’s not possible, but he says, “It is customary for the incoming SA not to investigate the outgoing SA.” He ends up threatening her before he leaves as he tells her, “A lame duck can still tank your record before you get started.”

Next to drop by is Guy Redmayne. He mentions that he sent a gift of “a chessboard made out of human teeth” and makes his request: he wants her to appoint his friend Dean Lumber as her deputy. Alicia is not too keen with his suggestion, so he too leaves her with a threat: “I spent seven figures putting you into office. It won’t cost me nearly as much to get you out of it.”

Lemond Bishop stops by and asks Alicia to ensure his safety and stop Geneva Pine’s investigation. She promises to stop the investigation and grant him immunity if he’ll testify against his lieutenants. Bishop tells her that this is not a smart move at all as he leaves.

Eli learns about Alicia’s interaction with Redmayne and barges into her office. He angrily advises her to respond to all requests as such: “Thank you for your advice. All options are open to me. I plan to decide in the next 48 hours.” So Alicia meets again with Redmayne and she tries to appease him. Alicia also meets with Castro and Bishop, but she appoints Finn Bolmar as her deputy.

Meanwhile, the firm is busy with a case involving a movie producer suing an illegal pirating site named WharfMaster for leaking a movie before its release. The site’s fans are angry with the firm for threatening the site, so they hack and leak the firm’s network and start sharing private emails online.

It’s hurtful for everyone in the firm as secrets are exposed, but Alicia is spared most of it. Then, the hackers threaten to release two years’ worth of emails, so Alicia asks Marissa to search her account for anything that could be used against her.

Later, the suit gets settled and the hackers are called off, but the cost to repair the damages affected the firm’s ability to pay Alicia’s buyout offer. The partners offer her a buyout of $100,000, which is less than what they initially offered her. She tells them, “I want you to know that this offer does not in any way impact my consideration of your criminal cases when I’m SA.”

“The Good Wife” airs on Sundays at 9/8c on CBS.

Source : Christian Post