Final Fantasy XV Release Date, Character News: Hajime Tabata Reveals Improvements for Battle System

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For those who were closely following the developments of Square Enix’s upcoming action role-playing video game title, “Final Fantasy XV,” they might have already known that the main cast will generally be comprised of male characters.

Christian Post Report – However, recent updates indicated that there’s a possibility for an opposite sex to join the all-male ensemble. This particular information originated from none other than the game’s director, Hajime Tabata.

“It’s possible we’ll have female characters join the party as guests. But since it’s an all-mate party, when you have a female character as a guest, their behavior might change because a woman is around,” Tabata told Famitsu.

In a previous statement given to Gamespot, Tabata revealed that the all-male party was intended to make the upcoming game sequel “more approachable to players”

“Having them all the same gender made sense in that way,” he added.

Famitsu’s conversation with Tabata also leads to the issue of FF XV’s battle system, which was featured in the demo version, Episode Duscae.

“The battle system from the demo is about 50 percent complete. I want to level-headedly respond to requests for improvement,” the game director said. “The full retail version will have things like magic and co-op chains, which I feel will really freshen up how players approach combat.”

Speaking of Duscae, Tabata also made mention of Ramuh: “Because Ramuh has special specifications in the demo, there will be systematic improvements in the full release.”

Square Enix still hasn’t provided a concrete release date for the game. It rumored, however, that the studio is now more than halfway through development.

Source : Christian Post