Jill Duggar Steps Out with Derick Dillard After Labor Pains; Turns Out to Be False Alarm


Christian Post Report – “19 Kids and Counting” star Jill Duggar is past her due date and is overdue at 41 weeks, and her husband and the couple’s fans cannot wait to meet their baby boy, whom they have dubbed Baby Dilly.

On Good Friday, April 3, Jill appeared to have gone into labor, however, it turned out to be a false alarm. A message posted on the Duggar Family Blog and official Facebook page on Friday said, “Jill is still pregnant! Do you think Baby Dilly will arrive on Easter?

Jill Duggar Instagram/ jillmdillard

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard step out for lunch after Jill had Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as false labor pains.

Derick set off the baby rumors on Thursday night when he posted a bible verse from Isaiah noting that “the Lord called me from the womb, from the body of my mother he named my name.”

He then added on Friday morning, “Baby Dilly will come in God’s timing.”

Jill took to Instagram on Friday to inform fans that she hasn’t given birth yet and what she thought was labor pains was only Braxton-Hicks contractions.

She posted a picture of her and her husband on a lunch date and captioned it, “Out to lunch…maybe this spicy Mexican food will make the baby come! Only Braxton Hicks contractions with this weather so far. We shall see what the weekend brings! #nobabyyet #lunchwithmyhubby.”

Braxton Hicks contractions often occur before real labor and for some women, they may begin as early as the second trimester.

Some fans have started offering advice on Jill’s Instagram page to encourage labor. “Drink castor oil,” one fan urged.

Jill, a trained midwife, recently told People that she has named April 5 as her second due date because “first time moms often go a week and a half over” their original due date.

Source : Christian Post