International Christian Concern(ICC)Helps Restore Razed Church in Hyderabad,India


Radical Hindu nationalists run rampant across India, damaging churches at an alarming rate…by Worthy News

But one church has recently risen from its ashes.

Back in February, Hyderabad’s Hindus had set fire to the thatched roof of Bethel Gospel Church; the church and everything inside was set ablaze.

“We are living in fear,” Pastor Christopher told International Christian Concern. “There have been continuous threats from the Hindu radicals. We Christians are treated as second-class citizens in this country.”

But with donations from ICC’s Community Rebuild Fund, the congregation of Bethel Gospel repaired the roof and walls damaged in the arson attack; ICC also helped replace carpets, the church PA system and the musical instruments that were also lost in the fire.

“ICC has come and rescued us,” Christopher said. “They also took an interest in visiting the church that was burnt to ashes. We are very encouraged knowing that ICC helped undo the damage caused by the Hindu radicals.”

Bethel Gospel Church again meets for Sunday worship and midweek services; the repairs have again made the church a more comfortable refuge for Christians who must daily endure persecution at the hands of Hindus.

Original Post by Worthy News