Science, Skeptics and the Resurrection

Science, Skeptics and the Resurrection

 WASHINGTON — Was the resurrection of Jesus Christ an anti-scientific event? This question was discussed at a March 13 conference on science and religion hosted by The American Association for the Advancement of Science’s Dialogue on Science, Ethics and Religion.

Christian Post Report – At the end of a panel on “Science Engagement in Congregations,” an audience member who identified himself as a rabbi said “the elephant in the room has not been discussed,” which he identified as, “that the fundamental basis of Christianity is a violation of nature.”

He began his remarks by recalling another event he attended at a Presbyterian church. An audience member at that event asked one of the panelists, a Presbyterian, about the resurrection. “Do you really believe that?” he asked. The panelist replied, “no, we understand [the resurrection] metaphorically,” the rabbi recalled him saying.

Another panelist then turned to the pastor of the congregation and said, “did you hear that? Your congregant just said he doesn’t believe literally in the resurrection of Jesus.” To which the minister replied, “where do you think he learned it from?”


Source : Christian Post