ISIS Executes 10 Doctors for Refusing to Treat Wounded Jihadis in Terror Group

ISIS (Photo: Reuters/Azad Lashkari)

Members of the Iraqi security forces take part in training, as they prepare to fight against militants of the Islamic State, at a training camp on the outskirts of Mosul, January 10, 2015.

Christian Post Report – Members of the Takfiri ISIS group in Iraq executed 10 doctors in Mosul on Wednesday as part of their continued terrorism against Christians and other religious and political groups throughout the Middle East.

The doctors were executed in the Hammam al-Alil area south of Mosul after refusing to treat wounded ISIS members, Iraq’s al-Sumaria satellite TV network first reported. The doctors reportedly refused to do so because they did not support ISIS’ activities; they were then forced to sit and shot in the back of the head. A photograph taken at the exact moment has been widely circulated, confirming the brutality of the radical Islamic jihadists.

ISIS members murdered 60 Sunni tribal fighters in the Anbar province on Friday, and accused members of al-Karableh, Albu Ubaid, Albu Mahal and Albu Salman tribesmen of working with Iraqi security forces before killing them. A struggle between Iraqi forces and ISIS has led to a significant number of deaths: 997 Iraqis were killed in March alone.

The United States has joined in the fight against ISIS by leading airstrikes, but the terrorist group continues it murderous rampage in controlled areas of Iraq and Syria, killing Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities. On Friday, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter told a gathering of reporters at a news conference in Seoul, South Korea, that the U.S. has made progress against ISIS but cannot predict how long it will take to win the struggle against them.

“The jury’s still out, but the momentum is in the right direction,” Vice President Joe Biden said at the National Defense University in Washington on Thursday, claiming: “The the irony, the irony of all ironies, is that Iraq actually helped form its government because of ISIL. It actually united Iraqis.”

Religious leaders have also spoken out to condemn ISIS’ actions, and in February, Pope Francis addressed the beheadings of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya.

“The blood of our Christian brothers and sisters is a testimony which cries out to be heard,” Francis said. “It makes no difference whether they be Catholics, Orthodox, Copts or Protestants. They are Christians! Their blood is one and the same. Their blood confesses Christ.”

Source : Christian Post