9-Y-O Yazidi Girl Pregnant After Rape by 10 ISIS Men; ‘She Could Die If She Delivers a Baby,’ Says Aid Worker

iraq (Photo: Reuters/Youssef Boudlal)

Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, who fled violence in the Iraqi town of Sinjar, sleep on the ground at Bajed Kadal refugee camp, southwest of Dohuk province, August 23, 2014.

Christian Post Report – A nine-year-old Yazidi girl, who had been raped by at least 10 frontline militants and suicide bombers of the Islamic State terror group in Iraq, is pregnant, and an aid worker says she is so young that she could die if she delivers a baby. She is among more than 200 Yazidi women and children released last week after eight months in captivity.

“This girl is so young she could die if she delivers a baby,” thestar.com quotes Yousif Daoud, a Canadian-based aid worker who recently returned from the region, as saying. “Even a caesarian section is dangerous. The abuse she has suffered left her mentally and physically traumatized.”

The girl was released along with other women and children last week. “Sending back those girls and women is a way of shaming the whole community,” added Daoud, not his real name.

The aid worker said most of the men who assaulted her are from Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, are frontline fighters or suicide bombers, and they were given girls “as a reward.”

It will be difficult for the women and girls to live in their communities. “If they are married, their husbands won’t take them back if they are pregnant. And it’s clear that the babies will never be accepted,” Daoud said. “I don’t know what the future would be for their babies. The girls and women don’t want them. They have suffered so much they just want to forget.”

A Kurdish aid group has taken the pregnant girl to Germany to be looked after by a medical charity.

The Yazidi minority is one of the main ISIS targets, along with Christians.

There are about 600,000 Yazidis in Iraq, who consider themselves to be Kurds ethnically and live mostly in north-central Ninevah province and northeastern Iraqi Kurdistan.

Yazidis believe that God governs the world through seven angels with “Malak Tawous,” or Peacock Angel, as the leader, who disobeyed God’s command to bow down to humanity but was forgiven and made the head angel due to his devotion. Therefore, Yazidis are accused of worshipping the Devil, or Satan, as the leader angel resembles Satan in Abrahamic texts.

ISIS aims to form a Caliphate in the Levant, a region also known as the Eastern Mediterranean, through “jihad,” and has asked minorities to flee, convert to Islam, or be killed.

An all-female police force of ISIS recently released a manifesto which was laced with references to the Islamic scriptures, encouraging girls as young as 9 to marry Jihadis and asking women to remain “hidden and veiled” and serve their “masters.

“It is considered legitimate for a girl to be married at the age of nine. Most pure girls will be married by sixteen or seventeen, while they are still young and active,” it said.

The document portrays the Western society as “the model preferred by infidels in the West,” which has “failed the minute that women were ‘liberated’ from their cell in the house.”

In its English propaganda publication, ISIS earlier sought to justify its barbarity, saying it is “Islamic” to capture and forcibly make “infidel” women sexual slaves.

“Before Shaytan [Satan] reveals his doubts to the weak-minded and weak hearted, one should remember that enslaving the families of the kuffar [infidels] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shari’ah that if one were to deny or mock, he would be denying or mocking the verses of the Qur’an and the narration of the Prophet … and thereby apostatizing from Islam,” stated the ISIS’ glossy propaganda magazine “Dabiq,” named after a site in Muslim apocalypse mythology.

ISIS is an al-Qaeda offshoot which has gained control over large territories in Iraq and Syria.

Source : Christian Post