‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5 ‘Wars To Come’ Gets Mixed Reception, Episodes 1-4 Leaked Online


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Christian Post Report – HBO’s “Game of Thrones”

The “Games of Thrones” Season 5 premiere, “Wars To Come,” disappointed some fans looking for more action, but four unaired episodes of the series leaked on piracy sites a full day ahead of the season premiere, and that piqued the interest of many viewers.

The HBO series is based on George R.R. Martin’s “Song of Ice and Fire” book, but writers D.B. Weiss and David Benioff were still able to inject a few storylines not included in the books. In the past, “Game of Thrones uses its season premiere to shape the entire season. In the season-five premiere, although nothing major happened, some of the scenes give an idea of what season five will be.

Here are some of the key scenes in the season premiere:

The flashback scene where Cersei receives Maggy the frog’s prophecy then back to the present scene of Cersei meeting Margaery on the stairs is quite telling. Is there more to Maggy’s prophecy? Where will Cersei be in the course of the series?

The Unsullied, freed and recruited by Daenerys, are known to be asexual. But when an unsullied is killed inside a brothel by a member of the Sons of the Harpy, it seems that Daenerys needs to regain control over her army if she wants them to fight for her against Mereen.

Aside from the problems with Mereen and the Unsullied, Daenerys is slowly losing grip of her dragons. In the season premiere, Daenerys seems to fear her dragons that she kept locked up in a dungeon. Her character, previously loved and respected by people (and dragons) around her seems to feel rejected. Will Daenerys strong and intelligent character crumble because of these emotional events? Does Daario Naharis’ reminder — “a dragon queen with no dragons is not a queen” — mean something?

Everyone was not too ecstatic about the season premiere, if social media is any indicator. Forbes reports that “nearly half of the unaired ‘Game of Thrones’ leaked online,” and according to Variety, the leaked episodes have over 1.7 million downloads in just a 24-hour span.

Source : Christian Post