No Man’s Sky – A Game Where the Sky’s Not the Limit; Fans Gear Up for a 3rd Quarter Release


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Christian Post Report – Gamers looking for an adventure to complete would find that there’s more to the old adage “The sky’s the limit,” as developers stretched their imagination at little more by adding countless planets that gamers can explore. “No Man’s Sky” lets its players go on a journey, with no set goals or targets, as they explore the vast unknown.

The game starts with players at the edge of the universe. Players are given a sundry of options – explore the random planet, collect information, even mine and trade to gain monetary advances, engage other ships in combat, or simply upgrade ship when necessary.

At the official website of PlayStation 4 for “No Man’s Sky,” the description reads:

“Whether a distant mountain or planet hanging low on the horizon, you can go there. You can fly seamlessly from the surface of a planet to another, and every star in the sky is a sun that you can visit. Where you’ll go and how fast you’ll make your way through this universe is up to you. It’s yours for the taking.”

Gamers will find delight in the game’s overall visuals and world size. “No Man’s Sky” applied vibrant visuals with the use of stunning colors, making the game look and feel “real.”

During the GDC 2015 convention, Hello Games art director Andrew Duncan shared achieving such visuals has something to do with how devoted they are to their craft.

“I think that the truth is, we’re actually all control freaks. Artists are so used to having complete control of every single pixel, especially now with digital artists. We can get Photoshop, we can zoom right in and obsess over something no one will ever care about,” he said.

Based on the scanned copy of Australia’s Play Magazine published on Design & Trend website, “No Man’s Sky” PS4 is slated for a Q3 2015 release date.

Source : Christian Post