Pursuing God


Psalms 63:1-8

  • Dr. Charles F. Stanley
    (Photo: In Touch Ministries)
    Dr. Charles F. Stanley (File).

Christian Post Report – Deepening our relationship with God—through discovering His character and His will for our lives—is achieved in several ways. Each one, while familiar, represents an important discipline in pursuing the Lord.

Meditation is an excellent way to build our relationship with God. It involves reading a Bible passage several times with the express purpose of hearing from the Lord. Then, as we keep up diligent, sustained concentration, the Holy Spirit will communicate to us through the verses. Studying the Scriptures allows us to draw from many passages to gain a broader, deeper understanding of God’s character, plans, and promises. We benefit by asking ourselves questions such as, What does this study reveal about His nature? Is there a divine promise to remember? A command to obey? An example to follow?

Another key spiritual discipline—prayer—must undergird our meditation and study. Encountering God requires both a listening ear and receptive heart.

Recognizing how God operates in our lives and in others’ circumstances will help us desire to pursue Him. My granddad told me how the Lord had worked in his life, and his testimony created in me a deep, abiding hunger to seek after God. I wanted the Lord to work in my life the way He had in my grandfather’s.

We are seeking God when 1) we spend time discovering who He is and what pleases Him; 2) our day is not complete without fellowship with Him; and 3) we find ourselves trusting Him more and leaving behind ungodly habits.

Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc. © 2015
All Rights Reserved.

Source : Christian Post