Mars Hill Church responded publicly today to the leaked letter by nine of its 65 pastors.
“Despite the way the letter was sent out, please know we take its contents very seriously and will be taking the appropriate actions to honor Jesus, address the allegations and concerns, and work toward becoming a healthy church,” write 18 of the church’s lead pastors, including eight members of a newly appointed “board of elders” comprised of “trusted lead pastors … appointed to examine these charges.”
The letter asks church members to not “react in fear or anxiety,” “pronounce judgment before the time,” or “slander, gossip, or pick sides,” and instead asks them to “pray,” “seek wisdom,” “walk in godliness,” and “trust.” Mars Hill writes:
We must allow God to bring to light everything that he wants to have brought to the light. Just because someone brings forward allegations and concerns about a leader does not mean we should presume guilt. Any and all allegations and charges must be treated seriously, with impartiality, and without jumping to conclusions. Your elders will seek to honor Jesus as we proceed forward.
The 18 pastors note that “our ‘team’ is Jesus, not one group of elders or another,” and writes:
Pray that the elders will seek the Lord, be led by the Spirit, and proceed forward in confession, repentance, love, and godliness. Pray that the watching non-Christian world would not be given opportunity to discredit not only our church but the very gospel of Jesus. Pray that Jesus will be glorified through all of this.
The letter can be read in full at this link -> … read more