ISIS Militants Curbstomp 2 Criminals to Death With Concrete Blocks, Execute 2 for Sorcery

ISIS (Photo: Reuters/Azad Lashkari)

Members of the Iraqi security forces take part in training, as they prepare to fight against militants of the Islamic State, at a training camp on the outskirts of Mosul, January 10, 2015.

Christian Post Report – The Islamic State has come up with another heinous and barbaric mode of execution, as the group released photos this week showing two criminals in Iraq being executed by having their heads bashed between a forcefully thrown concrete block and a street curb.

Earlier this week, ISIS militants released a series of photos on social media that were shared among the group’s sympathizers that purported to show the group carrying out the execution of two men accused of robbing and killing three women in the Nineveh province of northern Iraq, the Daily Mail reported.

Although the most common types of executions carried out by the Islamic State are beheadings, stonings or gunfire, the two accused murderers were instead publicly executed by having their heads forced over a street curb while a militant lifted a heavy concrete block above his head and slamed it down, essentially curb stomping the criminals to death as a crowd looks on in amusement.

Additionally, the Daily Mail report explains that the murder is consistent with the Sharia principle Qisas, which means an “eye for an eye” or revenge killing.

In the background of the photos is the well-known white-bearded ISIS elder known as Abu Ansar al-Ansari, who has been seen in numerous ISIS execution pictures in the Mosul region in the last year. He is thought to be the Mosul executioner-in-chief, who is in charge of overseeing executions.

The terrorist organization also posted pictures to social media this week showing two elderly men in the Syrian village of Jarnyah, which is west of Raqqa, being publicly beheaded on accusations of sorcery.

Those men were also publicly executed in the middle of a street before a crowd. The men were forced to rest their heads over a wood chopping block, while a militant decapitated them with a machete.

Another picture shows a militant dressed in black reading the list of crimes that the two men were accused of over a loudspeaker for the crowd to hear, so that they know to fear the authority of the caliphate.

ISIS militants in Syria also released photos last weekend of militants stoning two gay men in countryside of the town of Homs, but what stuck out from that series of photos was that the militants were seen hugging and “forgiving” the gay men before their crimes.

The killing of the gay men was consistent with ISIS’ penal code, as the militant group has publicly executed a number of gay men in Iraq and Syria in the last few months. Some of the men were thrown off of roofs, while others were simply stoned to death.

Additionally, it was reported by the Daily Beast that ISIS militants have begun disguising themselves as homosexuals in order to trick gay men into admitting their sexuality so that they can be arrested and executed.

On Thursday, a new branch associated with the Islamic State in Yemen released a video showing the execution of what they claimed were 15 Yemeni soldiers. Four of soldiers were beheaded.

Although the ISIS affiliate in Yemen, a civil war-struck country, has previously released photos showing fighters in training, Thursday’s video was the first video released showing killings inside Yemen, as the Islamic State’s support structure continues to grow internationally.

Source : Christian Post