Lolo Jones Receives Backlash for Posing With Floyd Mayweather Jr. After Domestic Violence History; Track Athlete Says Her Father Was Former Abuser

Lolo Jones (Photo: Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Olympic bobsledder Lolo Jones poses for a portrait during the 2013 U.S. Olympic Team Media Summit in Park City, Utah, September 30, 2013.

Christian Post Report – Christian track and field star Lolo Jones is responding to fans who’ve criticized her decision to post a photograph of herself with professional boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. on Instagram saying she would “quit track to be his housekeeper just so I can make more money.”

Jones, 32, posted the image with Mayweather before he defeated devout Christian pugilist Manny Pacquiao in a highly publicized matchup Saturday. While she asked people who they believed would win the big fight, she also made a joke about wanting to be employed by “Money” Mayweather, who has been known to be extremely vocal about his wealthy financial status.

“I may quit track to be his housekeeper, just so I can make more money,” Jones wrote on the photograph.

Comments in response to Jones’ Instagram image, however, make it clear that people were not amused. A number of Jones’ fans spoke out against her posting the image of herself standing next to a “woman beater.”

“Hey Lolo I love u but r u and other celebs aware that Floyd is a serial convicted woman beater,” one person questioned her on Instagram. “Would u take a picture with Ray Rice?”

Others told her that they hope she doesn’t get punched by the boxer, while one person explained why the image disappointed them.

“Sorry to be snippy, but just so disappointed in you, Lolo. You were such a strong role model for girls,” another person wrote. “To see you supporting a ‘man’ with such little regard for women and zero remorse for his abuse of women (including his babies’ mommas) is really a blow.”

Mayweather has a history of domestic violence abuse accusations being brought against him, and one conviction led to him serving a three-month jail sentence three years ago.

Jones, however, defended her reasoning for smiling in a photograph with Mayweather ahead of the big fight.

“My dad domestically abused my mother. He almost killed her,” Jones wrote. “She was in the hospital for months. He served many years in jail.”

Jones then insisted that God had bigger plans for her father, despite his mistakes.

“Jesus saved him. He never laid hands on her again,” she added. “God calls us to forgive. We all fall short. We all sin.”

She went on to tell people that “one sin is not less than another” and that her job was to “forgive and love” instead of “judge” people.

“God’s judgements reigns higher. So you can ask how can I post a picture with him,” she wrote. “And I say, ‘if I can’t take a picture with him I guess I should remove the pictures of my dad in my home as well.'”

Jones has been known to respond to her critics on social media, and did just that when she received backlash for speaking out against the movie “50 Shades Of Grey” last February.

She took to Facebook to let people know about the backlash she’d received, which included being called derogatory names for sharing her opinion about the the film and BDSM (bondage and discipline/dominance and submission/sadism and masochism). Jones went on to further explain her stance on the matter by writing that women were never created to be treated abusively by men while insisting that the popular film is creating a false image of love.

Jones also chose to affirm her Christian beliefs by sharing the Bible verse Philippians 4:8 which reads: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Source : Christian Post