ISIS Forced 17-Y-O Girl to Recite Quran While Being Raped, Burned Her With Boiling Water When She Refused


Delal Sindy (Photo: Facebook/Delal Sindy)

Christian Post Report – Humanitarian activist Delal Sindy playing with displaced Iraq children at a refugee camp in northern Iraq.

According to a Kurdish activist who works closely with Iraqis displaced by the Islamic State, ISIS militants allegedly forced a 17-year-old Yazidi girl to recite parts of the Quran while she was being raped. And when she refused, she was punished by having boiling water poured on her.

Twenty-three-year-old Delal Sindy, who is from Sweden, has been working as a humanitarian worker in the Kurdish-protected northern Iraq since October 2014. In a Monday Facebook post that has been shared over 13,000 times, Sindy shared the tragic story of one recently escaped Yazidi refugee girl she met named Suzan, who is now 17, and pregnant after being subjected to ISIS’ brutal sexual slavery.

According to Sindy’s post, Suzan, her 10-year-old sister and mother were originally taken captive by ISIS and transported to a hotel in Mosul called “The Galaxy,” which is essentially a sex slave market filled with half-naked women and girls. The last day Suzan and her sister saw their mother was the day they were sold out of the hotel and shipped to Raqqa, Syria.

Once in Raqqa, Suzan and her sister, along with other girls, were forced to dress up and were inspected to see if they were virgins. Suzan said she was sold cheap because she was not as attractive as the other girls, while her sister was given away as a gift to a senior ISIS member.

Sindy’s post explains that Suzan, along with two other girls, became the property of an ISIS militant named “Al Russiyah.” Each morning the girls would be forced to line up so that Russiyah could decide which girl would be his personal sex toy for the day. The other girls that Russiyah didn’t pick would be subject to even more physical and sexual abuse at the hands of Russiyah’s body guards.

Delal Sindy (Photo: Facebook/Delal Sindy)

Delal Sindy shared this photo along with her widely circulated post on 17-year-old Yazidi “Suzan,”

“He then lined us up three naked each morning, felt on us, smelled on us. … Then he chose who he wanted for the day,” Sindy quoted Suzan as saying in a translated version of her Facebook Post. “[The guards] were horrible. They beat me and was always at least two at the same time. In the end, I [would be] lucky to end up with Al Russiyah instead of [the guards] beating us. It was like choosing between death and death.”

“His guards raped me at least five times a day,” Suzan continued. “They forced me to say things from the Quran while they did their [actions], otherwise they whipped me.”

Sindy added that one time when Suzan refused to give into the militants’ demands they burned her with boiling water to teach her to obey their commands.

“Once he burned my thigh with hot boiling water because I refused,” she added. “I dared no more after that.”

Suzan said she fled after she and the rest of Russiyah’s slaves were taken to Sinjar while he fought in battle. Russiya was killed in battle, while his guards were injured.

“That was when we fled,” Suzan explained. “The other girls ran back for they were afraid. … But I continued. It took me three days to get to the mountain, where Kurdish soldiers helped me.”

Although Suzan is now out of the hands of the Islamic State, she still wishes she had been killed because now she realizes that she has lost most of her family and her uncle that she has lived with since escaping ISIS has threatened to kill her because she was impregnated by an ISIS fighter.

“My uncle who I lived with up until a week ago said he would kill me if he found out that ISIS had done anything with me, because of the honor,” Suzan said. “I escaped from there immediately. Now I hide here … pregnant in the third month and do not know what to do. The easiest way out is to die. “

“I wish they had killed me instead,” she asserted. “My dad is dead, I have no idea where my mom and sister are. What do I have to live for? I try to forget everything but even when I close my eyes, I see them in front of me. I want to kill myself.”

Source : Christian Post