Are Modern Career Women Longing for Chivalry?


Are Modern Career Women Longing For Chivalry?

Christian Post Report – I don’t know if you’ve ever watched the long-running, and recently departed, television series, “Mad Men.” Frankly, as a Christian, I really can’t recommend it to you.

Set during the 1960s in New York City and depicting the go-go advertising industry on Madison Avenue —hence the title, “Mad Men”— the cleverly written series is full of values and behavior that, shall we say, cross the line. Okay, that’s an understatement: sexism runs rampant through the series and hot-shot male executives chase skirts as much as they do clients in the office pool. But all of this is why I found an article about the show in the New York Post so intriguing.

Writer Heather Robinson says that many single career women in their 30s and 40s in Gotham these days look wistfully at “Mad Men” and the simpler era it depicts, when men dressed up for dates, held the door for women, and actually had to work for their attention.


Source : Christian Post