ISIS Video Shows Jihadists Drowning Caged Prisoners in Swimming Pool; New Invasion of Kobane Kills 50


<b>Christian Post Report</b> – Seven minute long ISIS video from June 2015 shows five men in orange jumpsuits being drowned inside a cage.” title=”<b>Christian Post Report</b> – Seven minute long ISIS video from June 2015 shows five men in orange jumpsuits being drowned inside a cage.” name=”jpg” src=”” class=”imgPhoto” width=”550″ height=”450″ /> <small class=(Photo: Islamic State video screencap)

Christian Post Report – Seven minute long ISIS video from June 2015 shows five men in orange jumpsuits being drowned inside a cage.

Terror group ISIS has released a 7-minute long video in which jihadists are seen executing prisoners in a number of different ways, with one group locked inside a cage and drowned in a swimming pool. ISIS has also reportedly attacked the Syrian city of Kobane again, killing 50 people in the area.

ISIS, which is famous for its beheading videos, this time recorded a group of five men in orange jumpsuits being slowly lowered by a crane in what looks like a swimming pool. Underwater cameras show the ordeal in full, with the helpless men unable to find a way out.

The terror group had forced confessions from the victims, getting them to admit that they are spies for the Iraqi government.

Back in February, ISIS burned alive Jordanian fighter pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh inside a cage, though later claimed the pilot was heavily sedated before being set on fire.

The newly released propaganda video also shows other executions, with seven men tied together by a chain of explosives, which is then detonated. Another prisoner is seen locked inside a car, which is then blasted with a rocket-propelled grenade.

The Islamic militants have been terrorizing both Iraq and Syria, where they have captured significant territory.

BBC News reported that ISIS has also attacked Kobane, despite being driven out of the city back in January. It hit Kurdish defenders with two car bombs, leaving 30 people dead, while another 20 were reportedly killed in a nearby village.

“Kobane still matters to IS. It was never important strategically, but this latest attack shows that its loss, after five months of heavy street-to-street fighting and coalition aerial bombardment, still hurts IS,” said Quentin Sommerville, BBC Middle East correspondent.

“Thursday’s assault is a reminder, too, that IS, despite recent losses in the area, is still very much active and capable of offensives. Overnight they also attacked Hassakeh to the east, a far bigger prize.”

Close to 500,000 people live in Hassakeh, which is the largest city in northeastern Syria.

ISIS’ defeat in the battle for Kobane in January was seen as a major victory for the Iraqi government and militia groups.

“Today we received the news of liberation of defiant Kobane. I congratulate all people of Kurdistan. … This is the victory of humanity over the barbaric terrorists. … It is an honor for people of Kurdistan to face the most evil terrorist organization … and defeat it,” Kurdistan’s presidency said back then.

ISIS has continued amassing foreign troops which have kept its forces strong, and has also looked to expand into other countries, such as Libya.

Source : Christian Post