Obama now has a global strategy – but not for ISIS

(Photo: my christian daily)
(Photo: my christian daily)

Ebola runs rampant, Ukraine and Iraq are torn by war, America is being warned of an imminent ISIS

attack and natural disasters abound while the Obama administration’s key aid agency expands “inclusion” strategies for lesbian, “gay,” bisexual and transgender persons.

The increased application of the LGBT-inclusion philosophy will help to transform agency hiring practices as well as the delivery of worldwide assistance programs, according to a procurement document WND located via routine database research.

The USAID Special Initiatives & Development Partners Division on behalf of the agency’s Office of Civil Rights and Diversity, or OCRD, awarded a sole-source, no-bid purchase order to communications-services provider Aptive Resources for LGBT-specific training.

As WND reported, USAID has criticized “conservative gender norms related to sexuality” and denounced “strong normative preference for heterosexuality” in foreign nations.

Such resistance to the administration’s LGBT agenda is viewed as a chief impediment to achieving U.S. policy goals.

USAID Administrator Ravi Shah recently said it is up to the U.S. to take action against legal restrictions against LGBT populations in 70 nations.

“We have to be the ones that stand up for those that are marginalized and for those that are not benefiting from their legal and social systems protecting their individual human rights,” Shah said at the unveiling of USAID’s “LGBT Vision for Action” plan in July.

“And in doing so, we have the best chance of ending extreme poverty, of supporting efforts to reduce hunger and suffering, of improving health and adequate nutrition.”

The LGBT inclusion plan will help govern various agency policies, including its National Action Plan on Women, Peace, Security; its Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Strategy; and even its climate change policy.
– See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/uk/162-world/usa-canada/news-item-1-usa-canada/11867-obama-finally-has-a-global-strategy-but-not-for-isis#sthash.KRFVTc0i.dpuf

Original Photo by my christian daily