God’s Love Wins


God's Love Wins

Christian Post Report – We must extend compassion but without compromise. Parents warn, confront, challenge, and admonish daily.

Truly misled or self-serving individuals would wrongly attribute these traits to “hate-speech.” We are not called to make truth tolerable but to make it clear. Follow Jesus’ example: preach the difficult truths as well as the joyful ones; preach the cross and the new life; preach hell and preach heaven; preach damnation and preach salvation; preach sin and preach grace; preach wrath and preach love; preach judgment and preach mercy; preach obedience and preach forgiveness; preach that God “is love,” but don’t forget that God is just.

Ironically, it’s the love of God that compels us to share all of His truth, including those things that are hard to hear. Perhaps the debate could be settled quickly by allowing both sides to take a lie detector test to determine who really “hates.”

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/opposing-gay-marriage-5-reasons-why-its-not-hate-speech-140899/

Source : Christian Post