Recognizing the Voice of God


Christian Post Report – John 10:3-5, 10:14-16

Have you ever been in a car with someone who is looking for a specific broadcast on the radio? While constantly adjusting the frequency, he cocks his ears and listens carefully. Station after station is rejected until he hears the familiar voice he’s been seeking.

  • Dr. Charles F. Stanley
    (Photo: In Touch Ministries)
    Dr. Charles F. Stanley (File).

In our Christian life, we know the importance of recognizing God’s voice and tuning others out. When making decisions, we want to be sure we hear the right Person. The Bible assures us that as believers, we can distinguish God’s voice from all others (John 10:27).

What are some of the conditions for recognizing His voice?

1. Be in range. The Lord’s voice is heard through Scripture. Take time to reconnect with God through His Word. Let the Holy Spirit bring to mind the truths related to your situation.

2. Be tuned to the right station. God always speaks words that are consistent with Scripture—He will never contradict it. Compare what you are hearing with His Word, and seek godly advice to be sure you have the whole counsel of God.

3. Be willing to make the necessary adjustments. Sometimes what God says conflicts with what seems logical to human reasoning. Or, it might clash with our fleshly desires. It can be tempting to dismiss a voice that disagrees with our preconceived ideas, but God’s children need to align themselves with His directions regardless.

Our Savior is calling; how easily do you recognize His voice? To know His voice better, spend more time in His Word. Today is a good time to start.

Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc. © 2015
All Rights Reserved.

Source : Christian Post