Retired Pro-Wrestler ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham Seeking Job With WWE


Superstar Billy Graham (Photo: Wikipedia Commons)

Christian Post Report – Former World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion “Superstar” Billy Graham.

A retired professional wrestler who named himself after the famous evangelist Rev. Billy Graham is lobbying for a new job with the largest pro-wrestling organization in the United States.

“Superstar” Billy Graham, a former world champion and periodic critic of the current pro-wrestling industry, has posted on social media about his efforts to get a position with World Wrestling Entertainment.

In a Facebook post from Tuesday, Graham specifically expressed interest in working at the NXT, WWE’s Florida-based developmental program.

His hope was to fill the void created by the recent passing of “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, another former WWE wrestler.

“I have been planning on moving back to Florida for some time now. My wife of 35 years, Valerie, is from Tampa and all of her family lives there,” wrote Graham.

“I sent an email directly to Vince informing him that if the position that Dusty once had has not yet been filled, that I am very much interested in taking it since I am moving back to live in Florida.”

Rhodes had been helping emerging talent in the developmental program with matters regarding public speaking and communication before large audiences.

“It should be obvious that I am qualified for this NXT position of coaching the younger talent about how to … do promos and communicate with the worldwide WWE TV wrestling audience,” continued Graham.

“I am not so stupid that I would try to teach them how to be charismatic to the level of a Dusty Rhodes or myself, one is born with that level of charisma, but a young wrestler can be taught to be more confident in their delivery and bring out their full potential in this area.”

Born Eldridge Wayne Coleman of Paradise Valley, Arizona, Graham took his stage name as a tribute to the Christian evangelist.

Graham’s career occurred mostly during the 1970s, with him winning the World Wrestling Federation World Heavyweight title from long reigning champion Bruno Sammartino in 1977.

However, side effects from extensive steroid usage resulted in his wrestling career being effectively over by the early 1980s.

Over the years since retiring, Graham has been an occasional critic of the WWE, including during the late 1990s when the company had more graphic violence and sexual content in their programming.

Graham’s June 30 statement on Facebook garnered over 550 likes and more than 50 shares, along with overwhelmingly positive comments posted in response.

Nevertheless, Graham has been criticized by some who see his job proposal as being poorly timed and opportunistic in light of Rhodes’ death.

In a Facebook post released Wednesday, Graham noted that some have called him a “vulture” for wanting the position, as well as being “out of touch with the industry.”

“Anyone of you evil, sub humans remember the over three decades of hate for Vince that Bruno spewed out? Then they shook hands and Bruno went into the Hall of Fame,” posted Graham.

“The evil one that said I am out of touch with the industry. How do you know what I know? I can’t believe how much hate there is for me simply because I have applied for a job!”

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“Superstar” Billy Graham promo before June 1977 world title defense against Bruno Sammartino.

Source : Christian Post