Phil Robertson takes on ISIS: Convert Them or Kill Them



Full Interview by FOX News

FULL INTERVIEW on Fox News ‘Hannity’ 9/2/2014- Phil Robertson on ISIS: ‘Convert Them or Kill Them’

Phil Robertson Tells Sean Hannity How He’d Combat ISIS: ‘Convert Them or Kill Them’. ‘Those who hate me love death’ Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson cites The Bible to explain the rise of radical Islam “Convert them or kill them”. Islamic State. Phil Robertson on his new book “Unphiltered: The Way I See It”

ROBERTSON: Worldwide, planet-wide, Biblically speaking, two groups of people, the children of God, and the whole world is under the control of the evil one. That’s First John 5:19. The evil one works in those who are disobedient. Galatians 3, they are prisoners of sin. Second Timothy 2, the Bible says they’ve been taken captive by Satan to do his will.

Listen, let me show you one. I’ve got the old — hey, America, Declaration of Independence, it’s my book marker. Don’t forget that. Listen to this, Sean. Solomon, one of the wisest men on earth if not the wisest, he’s speaking of wisdom, “Whoever finds me, wisdom finds light. Watch and receives favor from the lord. But whoever fails to find me,” this is the God of the Bible, “harms himself.” Now, listen to this on this ISIS thing, “All who hate me love death.”

So you scratch your head and you say, well, why is it that when we’re not even over there in the Middle East, why do they continue to slaughter each other when we’re not even on the premises? They can’t blame us. We left Iraq. You said what happened in Egypt and Syria, you say in Libya. They just slaughter each other. You say, what? “All who hate me love death,” Sean.

HANNITY: What is the answer? I think the only answer is, I think they are at war with us.


HANNITY: Whether we like it or not, I think most people would rather live in peace. Most Americans, just leave us alone, we’ll leave you alone. They’re not going to leave us alone. They’re not going to leave Israel alone. So that leaves us with two options — do nothing and get ready for the next attack. And then we’ll have a report that says, they’re at war with us, we weren’t at war with them.

ROBERTSON: In this case you either have to convert them, which I think would be next to impossible. I’m not giving up on them, but I’m just saying, either convert them or kill them. One or the other.

HANNITY: That’s going —

ROBERTSON: Maybe that time has come and gone, so I think that with this ideology that we’re faced with, this is like street gangs, street thugs on steroids. You think about it, most of the wars we’ve fought, they were not asymmetrical like this one. This one, it’s not a country with a standing army, and we line up and do battle with a certain amount of rules that they violate. But you say this is more like worldwide gang warfare, but this gang is well-armed and well-organized. I think, my opinion, we’re going to have to deal with this group way more harshly than we have up to this point.

HANNITY: Because they’re so harsh. I know they’re going to be people that are always looking to jump on you and say, “Convert them or kill them.” And they’re going to say, “There goes Phil Robertson again.” I know the media. I know they how act.

ROBERTSON: I’d much rather have a Bible study with all of them and show them the error of their ways and point them to Jesus Christ, the author and perfector of having your sins removed and being raised from the dead. I would rather preach the gospel of Jesus to them. However, if it’s a gun fight and a gun fight alone, if that is what they’re looking for, me, personally I am prepared for either one.

COMPLETE INTERVIEW. Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson sat down with Sean Hannity tonight, and right off the bat they jumped right into ISIS. And Robertson shared his thoughts on how to deal with the terrorist group: “either convert them or kill them.”

Robertson spoke of how the Bible talks of evil in the world, and wondered why terrorists are still so angry at the United States even though the U.S. has left the Middle East. Hannity said it’s obvious that “they’re at war with us.”

Robertson said, “You either have to convert them, which I think would be next to impossible… either convert them or kill them.”

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson cites The Bible to explain the rise of radical Islam “Convert them or kill them”. Phil Robertson on his new book “Unphiltered: The Way I See It” Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson cites The Bible to explain the rise of radical Islam “Convert them or kill them”. Phil Robertson on his new book “Unphiltered: The Way I See It” Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson cites The Bible to explain the rise of radical Islam “Convert them or kill them”. Phil Robertson on his new book “Unphiltered: The Way I See It” Fox News’ Sean Hannity Treats Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Like He’s An Expert On ISIS

Interview & Post originally from FOX News You Tube page


Later after this interview, Andrew Hess, Senior Editor of, wrote this about the Interview

Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the famous family featured on A&E’s hit television show, Duck Dynasty, recently talked with Sean Hannity about how to handle the ISIS problem. Robertson came with Bible in hand and verses ready.

In response to Hannity’s questions about ISIS, Robertson said:

“In this case you either have to convert them, which I think would be next to impossible. I’m not giving up on them, but I’m just saying, either convert them or kill them. One or the other.”

Later in the coversation, Phil said:

“I’d much rather have a Bible study with all of them and show them the error of their ways and point them to Jesus Christ, the author and perfector of having your sins removed and being raised from the dead. I would rather preach the gospel of Jesus to them. However, if it’s a gun fight and a gun fight alone, if that is what they’re looking for, me, personally I am prepared for either one.”

Convert or die is not a new evangelistic strategy, but it is a bad one. Perhaps Phil is taking his cue from the 11th and 12th century Crusaders, the “Christian” armies from Western Europe that went to war against Muslim forces in the Holy Land, responding to Pope Urban II’s plea for war.

But is that how we should think and pray about ISIS? Are they beyond all hope as Phil suggests?

Is Phil missing the Gospel’s mighty power to save? Salvation can come to the worst of sinners as it came to the Apostle Paul and the immoral idolators in Corinth (1 Cor. 6:9-11) and even the imperial guard in Rome (Phil. 1:12-13), all of whom came to real faith through Paul’s ministry. It seems Paul was very slow to call anyone out of reach. The Christian faith is always optimistically looking to what Christ might do to bring glory to Himself in saving even the worst of sinners. Such were many of us.

Phil, and many of us, must remember that members of ISIS are not beyond the reach of the Gospel. Before we angrily call for their death, we might humbly tremble at the eternal punishment which awaits all those who don’t come to Christ. What members of ISIS need more than anything is to fear the one who can throw body and soul into hell. They need to have their eyes opened to the beautiful, forgiving heart of Jesus Christ. They are blind and need their eyes to see. They are deaf and need ears to hear.

As John Knox once prayed over a spiritually corrupt Scotland, “Give Me Scotland, or I Die!” Perhaps Christians today should be zealously pleading with God to glorify Himself by adopting children for Himself even out of ISIS.

How do you think Christians should pray for members of ISIS?