Biden:”We will follow ISIS to the gates of Hell


Hampshire on Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden issued a warning to the Muslim terrorist group that the United States would “follow them to the gates of Hell.”

“They should know we will follow them to the gates of Hell until they are brought to justice,” he declared, elevating his voice. “Because hell is where they will reside. Hell is where they will reside.”

Biden began by denouncing the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff, who had been missing in Syria since last year.

“What these barbarians replicated with Steven what they did with [journalist James] Foley, they somehow think that it’s going to lessen U.S. resolve, frighten us and intimated us,” he said. “If they think the American people can be intimidated, they don’t know us very well.”

“We came back after 9/11. We dusted ourselves off and we made sure that Osama bin Laden would never, ever again threaten the American people,” Biden continued. “We came back Boston strong, blaming no one but resolve to be certain that this didn’t happen again.”

“The American people are so much stronger, so much more resolved than any enemy can fully understand,” he said. “As a nation, we’re united, and when people harm Americans, we don’t retreat. We don’t forget.”

As previously reported, the video surrounding Sotloff’s beheading, entitled Second Message to America, was posted to social media sites on Tuesday and was later confirmed to be authentic.

“I’m back, Obama,” states the masked executioner standing by Sotloff’s side, who is believed to be the same ISIS fighter who beheaded Foley last month, “and I’m back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State.”

“We take this opportunity to warn those governments who’ve entered this evil alliance of America against the Islamic State to back off and leave our people alone,” he states. “Just as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people.”

Sotloff, who has been missing for the past year, also speaks in the video, making statements that are believed to have been

mandated by his captors. His executioner stands with a knife in his hand.

“I’m sure you know exactly who I am by now and why I am appearing,” he states. “Obama, your foreign policy of intervention in Iraq was supposed to be for preservation of American lives and interests. So why is it that I am paying the price of your interference with my life?”

ISIS specifically seeks to establish an Islamic State in the areas that it conquers, placing the regions under Islamic rule.

Earlier this month, VICE News released a video documentary showing Abu Mosa, a spokesman for ISIS threatening to retaliate if the U.S. interferes with its establishment of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

“I say to America that the Islamic Caliphate has been established,” he said. “Don’t be cowards and attack us with drones. Instead send your soldiers, the ones we humiliated in Iraq.”

Original Photo by daily mail

“We will humiliate them everywhere, Allah willing, and we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House,” Mosa declared.
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