ISIS Releases Horrific Video of Christian Executions

ISIS Releases Horrific Video of Christian Executions
ISIS soldiers lead a Christian to his slaughter (You Tube)

A video released by the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) on Oct. 7 has showed the jihadis killing three Assyrian Christian hostages with shots to the back of their heads.

According to the Assyrian Monitor for Human Rights, it is the first ISIS video showing Christians in Syria being executed.

Shown in orange jumpsuits at a desert location, the three Assyrians knelt in front of their killers, who were wearing wide-flowing fatigues and black masks. [Read full article]

Why It Matters

The situation in the Middle East is deteriorating rapidly, with more and more Christians being executed for their faith. In addition to killing Christians, ISIS is now either demanding a ransom or imposing the punitive jizya Islamic tax on Christians.

The European Syriac Union declared, “The ongoing conflict in the Middle East…is causing irrevocable damage to the native people, minorities, ethnic and religious groups of Iraq and Syria. From the beginning of the fall of Mosul city until today, Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people and Ezidis (Yazidis) have been subject to killings, executions, ransom and mass-displacement.”

Until the governments of the world unite to defeat ISIS, it appears they will continue their mass persecution of Christians without impunity.

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Photo Credit:  YouTube

Source: Read the source article at Charisma News