Archbishop of Canterbury on the Church of England’s Prayer Advert


Archbishop Justin Welby commented today on the decision by leading cinemas not to show the Church of England’s ‘Just Pray’ advert.

The Archbishop said:

“I find it extraordinary that cinemas rule that it is inappropriate for an advert on prayer to be shown in the week before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

“Billions of people across the world pray this prayer on a daily basis. I think they would be astonished and deeply saddened by this decision, especially in the light of the terrorist attack in Paris where many people have found comfort and solace in prayer.

“This advert is about as “offensive” as a carol service or church service on Christmas Day.  As a church we are a Jesus movement and this is the prayer which Jesus taught his disciples.

“I think people need to watch the film and come to their own conclusions as to whether it is offensive or upsetting. Let the public judge for themselves rather than be censored or dictated to.”

Watch the Just Pray video:

Visit the Just Pray website:

Original Content by : Archbishop of Canterbury