Anglican Church Facing Possible Split over Gay Marriage

Anglican Church Facing Possible Split over Gay Marriage

Conservative bishops of the Anglican denomination have threatened to walk out of an upcoming meeting of bishops in which the topic of gay marriage in the church will be discussed.

According to The Christian Post, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will host a summit in Canterbury, England next week in an attempt to bring unity to the denomination on the issue of gay marriage.

Some conservative bishops from Asia and Africa, however, have said that they are completely opposed to gay marriage in the church and have threatened to walk out on the meeting or even to boycott it altogether.

In regard to the summit, the Church of England has said, “The Archbishop has invited everyone. If people walk out that will be viewed with disappointment rather than anger, and the door will always be open.”

Welby has also maintained that marriage is between one man and one woman, but has attempted to unite the denomination on the subject.

The American part of the Anglican Church, known as Episcopalian, has decided to embrace gay marriage, while the majority of the rest of the church remains unconvinced.