Don’t Be Shy, Give the March for Life a Try!


Don't Be Shy—Give The March For Life A Try!

Christian Post Report – Every January, I usually see the same faces coming to the local and national Marches for Life happening across our country. I long to see more people I don’t know participate, even people to whom I live next door. There may be a myriad of reasons why not everyone comes.

There may be a myriad of reasons why not everyone comes. You may think you don’t want to attend because that isn’t your thing — you are involved in other ministries and the pro-life stand is great, but not your battle.

Or you may not come because you don’t think anything is wrong with abortion.
You may not come because you aren’t a Christian and you leave that up to the Christians.

But what if?

What if you came just to see what it was like to attend? What if you came just to see what the people were like?
Here are 7 reasons I think everyone should experience the March for Life, whether in Washington, D.C. or other locations.


Source : Christian Post