ISIS Publishes Obituary for ‘Honorable Brother,’ ‘Jihadi John’

Christian Post Report – Dabiq’s obituary for Mohammed Emwazi, who is also known as “Jihadi John” that was published on Jan. 19, 2016

The Islamic State terrorist group has finally confirmed the death of its most famous executioner, “Jihadi John,” as the organization included an obituary for him in the latest edition of its English-language propaganda magazine after he was believed to have been killed two months ago.

After United States officials strongly believed that an airstrike in November had slain Mohammed Emwazi, the black-masked British militant who became notorious in 2014 for beheading American and British citizens in publicized propaganda videos that stunned the world, IS finally announced Tuesday the death of the one the world called “Jihadi John.”

Jihadi John(Photo: Reuters/SITE Intel Group/Handout)A masked, black-clad militant, who has been identified by The Washington Post newspaper as a Briton named Mohammed Emwazi, brandishes a knife in this still image from a 2014 video obtained from SITE Intel Group, February 26, 2015.

In its most recent issue of the online magazine Dabiq, the militant organization published an obituary for Emwazi, who was referred to as Abū Muhārib Al-Muhājir, that explained that he died on Nov. 12, 2015, after “the car he was in was targeted in a strike by an unmanned drone in the city of Raqqa.” It added that Emwazi’s car was destroyed and he was killed “instantly.”

The obituary offered kind words about Emwazi, stating that he was an ambitious and enthusiastic jihadi who “grew to be loved and respected by many.”

The obituary also detailed how Emwazi, who was born in Kuwait and moved to the U.K. when he was 6, grew to despise England.

“Abū Muhārib Al-Muhājir, the mujāhid who made headlines around the world as ‘Jihadi John,’ was originally from the northeast of the Arabian Peninsula, while his mother originated from Yemen,” the obituary reads. “At a young age, the honorable brother traveled with his family to London. This would become a place he grew to hate along withs kāfir people, whose customs were far-removed from the praiseworthy values he was much accustomed to.”

“It was through the mercy and blessings of Allah that Abū Muhārib attained the gift of a sound ‘aqīdah and correct manhaj despite residing in one of the centers of kufr and despite the increased presence of deviants calling to the gates of Jahannam,” the obituary added.

According to the magazine, Emwazi, who previously attended the University of Westminster, was questioned by investigators and authorities when he tried to leave the U.K. for Kuwait. The obituary brags about how Emwazi was able to escape the U.K. to join IS in Syria “right under the nose of the much overrated MI5 British intelligence agency” even though he was refused permission to travel in 2013.

“Depending upon Allah alone for success, with his companion embarked on a long and strenuous journey that totalled approximately two months and involved trekking the mountain ranges of Europe and its marshy farmlands, sneaking across borders and being detained by the authorities of various nations on at least two occasions,” the obituary explained, according to the Daily Mail. “It’s Emwazi’s sincerity, ambition and enthusiasm to work and tire himself for Allah’s sake that granted him prominence, as he grew to be loved and respected by many.”

Emwazi’s prominence came when IS released a number of execution videos online that showed a masked Emwazi beheading five western journalists and aid workers with a blunt knife, including Americans James Foley, Steven Sotloff and Peter Kassig and British citizens Alan Henning and David Haines.

Despite Emwazi’s brutal mistreatment of IS prisoners, the article also praised Emwazi for his “kindness and generosity” because he gave away one of his sex slaves to an unmarried injured jihadi.

Former IS captives say that Emwazi was included in a group of four British jihadis who were known as “the Beatles.” One former IS hostage named Daniel Rye Ottosen from Denmark explained in October that “the Beatles” were the most brutal of all the IS captors.

Ottosen explained that “Jihadi John” even made him dance the tango with him and also threatened to cut off his nose with side-cutting pliers.

Last August, Emwazi appeared in a video where he promised to return to the U.K. and behead non-believers.

Follow Samuel Smith on Twitter: @IamSamSmith

Source : Christian Post