God Wants ‘Broken, Messed Up, Jacked Up’ People, Jefferson Bethke Says

Christian Post Report – Christians should never feel as though they are not “good enough” for God, because God is looking for imperfect people to follow His path, motivational speaker and author Jefferson Bethke says in his latest YouTube video.

Bethke, who is known for publishing inspiring, popular YouTube videos about the Christian faith, discusses the feeling of imperfection and unworthiness in his latest video, Are You Too Messed Up For Jesus?, which has received over 16,000 hits since being posted to YouTube on Monday.

In the video, Bethke suggests many Christian feel they are not worthy to stand in front of God, saying that “so many times we think we’re not good enough, we’re not clean enough, we feel this shame, and because of all that, we then think we can’t approach God.”

Bethke points to the “beautiful” biblical verse of Romans 4:5 that reads: “However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness (NIV).”

Although Christians tend to naturally hide their imperfections from God and others, Bethke points out that as the Bible states, God is actually seeking out “ungodly people.”

“[God] is not hiding the fact that the very people He is looking for is the messed up people, the jacked-up people, the broken people,” he explains.

Bethke therefore encourages Christians ashamed of their “ungodly ways” to instead embrace them and present them before God to be “made right” and be “[pulled] from darkness to light.”

The motivational speaker suggests Christian must “[lean in] to really believing He’s going to do what He says He does because He’s always come through.”

Once Christians are able to present their flawed ways to God, their faith then “is the power that activates that cleanliness and that power of healing.”

Bethke, who has authored the book, Jesus > Religion: Why He Is So Much Better Than Trying Harder, Doing More, and Being Good Enough, has repeatedly spoken on God’s embrace of imperfect people.

The 25-year-old Christian speaker suggested in his August 2014 video entitled “The Scandal of Grace” that God’s gift of his only son to mankind restored humanity.

“[Because of the] power of unifying grace and reconciliation: men and women now equal, black and white equal, rich and poor equal. A new family, a new humanity where all our differences are celebrated, not destroyed, and now in the same way a mosaic is made up of broken, ragged and dirty pieces of glass, so humanity is made up of broken, ragged people but Jesus is creating a new humanity of family and of grace,” Bethke says in the video.

YouTube: Video/Jefferson Bethke)
Jefferson Bethke asks the question “Are You Too Messed Up For Jesus” in latest video.

Source : Christian Post