Manny Pacquiao Preaches to Pastors in Philippines Ahead of Timothy Brady Fight

Christian Post Report – Boxer Manny Pacquiao poses for the members of the media upon his arrival at the international airport in Manila May 13, 2015.Before announcing this week that he’ll be fighting Timothy Bradley Jr. for a third time in April, World champion boxer Manny Pacquiao was ministering to pastors in his native country of the Philippines.

“Thank you Lord for the privilege to preach to the pastors today. We are humbled and honored to share Your Word,” Pacquiao wrote after he preached to pastors in Davao city earlier this month. “God Bless everyone. Psalms 96:3 “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.”

The pugilist, who’s also campaigning to be elected as a senator in the Philippines, asked his social media followers to pray for him before he completed the task of encouraging pastors in his home country.

“Please pray as we preach tomorrow here in Davao city and encourage the pastors and Christians from all over Mindanao. God Bless everyone,” Pacquiao wrote on Instagram.”With Pastor Paul Chase and Major Amir Tsarfati.”

While Pacquiao has spoken about his devout Christian faith for some time, it took a trip to the Israel last November to strengthen that faith. In his fourth visit to the country, Pacquiao sat in an area that had once been frequented by Jesus.

“Sitting in the place where Jesus taught the people everyday. Reminding me that we must be faithful and obedient to Him and enable us to be saved,” Pacquiao wrote on Instagram last year.

“We must follow Him that’s how we can really say we believe God. John 8:47 ‘Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.'”

In another image, Pacquiao is seen visiting Capharnaum, known as “the town of Jesus,” along with the Mt. of Beatitudes where Jesus delivered the sermon on the mount.

“Nice to be in the Mt. of Beatitudes and Capharnaum the town of Jesus, to know more about God …” Pacquiao wrote before quoting scripture. “Luke 8:10 (NIV) He said, ‘The knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.'”

Before his trip to Israel, Pacquiao leaned on his faith to help him heal after tearing his rotator cuff during a fight with Floyd Mayweather last May.

“It’s God’s work,” Pacquiao told The Philippine Star of his recovery process last summer. “I never saw a doctor. I never did rehab. All I did was to swim in the sea as often as I could. The salt water healed my wound.”

The fighter previously spoke to The Christian Post about the importance of Christian athletes using their platforms to share their faith.

“I think every Christian athlete should be open about their relationship with the Lord, as well as every believer. That is what the Bible commands,” Pacquiao told CP. “When I am vocal to others about my faith and my hope of eternal life, it helps those fans of mine and those who watch me to know they can also have a hope.”

Source : Christian Post