Singer Matthew West Combats Abortion With Chilling New Song

Christian Post Report – Award-winning Christian singer Matthew West combats abortion with a new song meant to be a gentle encouragement to help save unborn babies.

In a chilling song released by West called, “Untold,” he sings from the perspective of an unborn child. The song was inspired by a benefit concert in which he performed for a Crisis Pregnancy Center.

Since then, West has created a movement with his song and video, meant to serve as catalysts for others to be a voice for the voiceless.

In a statement released to The Christian Post, West penned a letter sharing why he felt the need to make this pro-life stance.

Read West’s letter in its entirety below.

For years I’ve been using my platform of music encouraging people to realize how each one of our lives is a story in the making, and how each of our stories can have a great impact on the world. Sadly, we live in a world where many stories are ended before they even have the chance to begin.  

I was reminded of this when asked to perform a benefit concert for a crisis pregnancy center in Dallas, Texas. While there, I was moved by the stories of how many lives had been saved by their work. Weeks later, I received a thank you letter from the organization and one sentence they wrote struck me. “We hope that you might someday feel inspired to tell the story of the unborn.” That experience at the pregnancy center and their compelling request moved me to write “Untold.”

But I wanted to go even deeper than just a song. I wanted to highlight some true stories that provide each one of us with a window inside the difficult choice many are faced with. My hope is that this song along with the stories and resources will be a positive and sincere voice offering people a greater understanding of the value of life and the hope each child should have for a future. I also pray it will serve to honor and inspire ministries, churches, organizations, and individuals who courageously share hope and life-affirming options to all those in need, along with forgiveness and compassion for those who seek it.

Why now? For many churches, the month of January is one where they focus on the sanctity of life. It’s also a time where we as a nation are reminded of the anniversary of the controversial Roe v. Wade case, which seems to thrust the topic of abortion into the spotlight each year.

I’ve found that music can be powerful and often times cuts through to the heart of the matter.

We see this as a way to approach a difficult topic in a sincere and heartfelt way, which is why I felt the time was now for a song like this to be heard.


Matthew West

Along with the song, the Illinois native released a video for the new tune. In the video, a young child is seen walking through a forest as a woman stands in a different area of that forest seemingly afraid.

“I know you’re scared right now, but when you hear my first cry, when you look in my eyes, you’ll understand why, you’ll understand why, why you brought me to life,” West passionately sings during the song’s climax, as the woman and child meet and her fears are replaced with a gaze of love.

Matthew West – UNTOLD from Matthew West on Vimeo.


As an artist, West often takes letters that he receives and puts them to music, something that has forged an incredible bond between the singer and his fans. This venture was no different. According to The Blaze, West received a variety of touching stories on the subject, from women who regret past abortions to others who shared their struggles as a single mother.

“Ginny wrote to me about her choice to terminate a pregnancy over 35 years ago. The guilt and shame weighed her down so heavily that I was the first person in all those years she was telling about her abortion,” West told The Blaze about one particular account. “She was finally learning to forgive herself and heal from that broken chapter of her story.”

According to Pew Research Center, about half of Americans (49 percent) say that having an abortion is morally wrong, while 15 percent think it is morally acceptable, and 23 percent say it is not a moral issue. The views differ by religious affiliation. Three-fourth of white evangelical Protestants say that having an abortion is morally wrong compared to 25 percent of religiously unaffiliated people who say the same.

West hopes that his song will serve to honor and inspire ministries, churches, organizations, and individuals to courageously share hope and life-affirming options to all those in need. In his interview with The Blaze, the songwriter also greatly discouraged some people’s hateful approach toward abortion. He maintains that forgiveness and compassion is what is needed.

To join West in this movement or for more information, visit IAMUNTOLD.ORG

Source : Christian Post