When Life Gets Tough, Do You Know How to Trust God?

Life can present some tough obstacles, causing believers to rely all the more upon Christ. In a recent blog post for JeffBethke.com, the website of the inspirational speaker and New York Times best-selling author, Jefferson Bethke’s wife, Alyssa, tells believers to “roll our burdens to God and wait for Him to act.”


Bethke references Psalm 37: 5-6, “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act,” and shares the words of the late British Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon who once encouraged the faithful to go beyond simply giving Christ only their present cares.

“‘Roll the whole burden of life upon the Lord,” says Spurgeon. “Leave with Jehovah not thy present fretfulness merely, but all thy cares; in fact, submit the whole tenor of thy way to Him. Cast away anxiety, resign thy will, submit thy judgment, leave all with the God of all,'” says the preacher, who uses the example of how the farmer sows his seeds, ploughs and leaves the harvest up to God.

Bethke encourages believers that no matter what they’re  going through — from being unemployed or desiring a relationship, to experiencing marital issues or simply trying to make it day to day — they can hand it over to Christ and wait on Him for the solution.

“Wherever your heart is today, we can commit our way to Him,” writes Bethke. “We can leave our worries, doubts, desires and dreams at His feet — and wait for Him to act. We aren’t in control. He is.”

God’s ways are much higher than man’s. He wants His people to be happy and His plans for His children never fail, explains Bethke.

Bethke says that during difficult periods in her life, she relies heavily upon the book of Psalms for inspiration. “The Psalms are such an untapped and beautiful book that has gotten me through so many tough times. It’s a book of songs, laments, prayers, and cries. And it can be deeply healing to use them in those seasons.”

The wife and mother can’t overstate the importance of Scripture in the life of a believer. On her personal blog she writes, “God’s Word is His love letter to us. It’s beautiful, deep, scandalous, alive, wise and life changing. It’s radical — it flips our natural thinking on its head and radiates what is true and right and holy. It is a story of how the Creator of the universe, the Maker of all things, the God of all gods, the King of all kings — wants us.”

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Source : Christian Post