Billy Graham: Angels Can Appear as Ordinary Humans

(Photo: Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)

Christian Post Report – Evangelist Billy Graham speaks during his Crusade at Flushing Meadows Park in New York, June 25, 2005. Graham, 86, has preached the Gospel to more people in a live audience format than anyone in history – over 210 million people in more than 185 countries. His followers believe that the New York Crusade which runs from June 24 to 26 will be his last live appearance.

Angels have been the object of man’s fascination since the beginning of time. In an effort to shed some light on these celestial entities, the Rev. Billy Graham offers his thoughts on the supernatural beings that never fail to captivate.

In a Q&A series published in The Kansas City Star last week, Graham expounds upon the mystique, power and purpose of angels.

“Angels are real. Just as real as you and I, ” said Graham, explaining that the invisible beings exist in large numbers, as evidenced by Hebrews 12: 22 (KJV): “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.”

The 97-year-old world-renowned evangelist says that, although angels are spiritual beings without physical bodies, they can take on human form. “On occasion they can appear as ordinary humans, or even as glorious celestial beings that reflect the majesty of God.” As an illustration of that glory, Graham used the example of Isaiah 6:4 where Christ’s throne was surrounded by angels whose voices shook the doorposts and thresholds.

Created to serve God, angels work to do His will and to protect His people — efforts that are largely hidden from man. “They also are part of a great unseen army that constantly fights against Satan and his servants of evil,” Graham added. “God’s promise should bring comfort to every believer: ‘He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways,'” (Psalm 91:11).

Although humans may be totally unaware of their presence, angels are still very much a part of their lives, explained the famed evangelical.

While man can appreciate angels despite his limited comprehension of them, one day humans will understand the totality of how the supernatural beings have positively influenced their lives. “We can thank God for them, and some day in Heaven we’ll realize just how much they’ve done for us, at God’s command. ‘Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?'” (Hebrews 1:14).

Graham is one of America’s most admired and respected evangelists. According to a previous report from The Christian Post, a 2015 Gallup poll listed the Southern Baptist preacher as the 10th “Most Admired Man” in the U.S. — a list that he has made a record 59 times.

Source : Christian Post