A mom and her twin daughters : Which one is the mom? Here’s your answer


CNN respond – When Kaylan Mahomes posted a recent car selfie with her twin, Kyla, and their mother, the social media world went into confusion.

The caption by the high schooler read, “Mom, twin and me.”

But because all three share the same youthful glow — it looks more like a picture of triplets — everyone was trying to figure out which one is the mom.

Since it was posted January 28 the photo has been retweeted more than 18,000 times and received more than 29,000 likes. Some Twitter users have shared it along with the hashtag #blackdontcrack, an expression that refers to African-Americans whose smooth skin makes them look younger than their age.

After seeing how much success their selfie garnered, the family created an Instagram page to share more images of the trio, who live in Indianapolis.

But the big question remained: Which young-looking lady is the mom?

In an interview aired Friday on HLN, the trio put speculation to rest by revealing that the twins’ mother, Tina, appears to the far left in the photo.

Asked by Christi Paul how she stays so well-preserved with two 16-year-old daughters, Mom broke down her methods.

“I try to drink a lot of water, I try to stay stress free,” the 35-year old said. “I just focus a lot on emotional inner beauty.”

The family said they’re mistaken for triplets “all the time.”

“Even people who I know personally still don’t know who’s the mommy,” Kaylan told HLN.

The pic was snapped when Mom was picking the girls up from school; Kaylan shared it with a friend and it went viral quickly thereafter.

Even before the big reveal, the family’s second Instagram post offered a crucial clue.

The post is a video of one of the ladies holding a camera while the three pose for a picture. Then they all erupt into laughter when one of them apparently realizes she was actually being videotaped.

The video’s caption reads, “When your mom thinks it’s a picture … lol #whosthemom?”

The answer here, click ANSWER

Source : CNN & Youtube/LOOPS GIST