Rioters Try to Blow Up Jerusalem Gas Station

(Photo: Israel today)
(Photo: Israel today)

Arab rioting in Jerusalem escalated on Sunday as mobs attacked cars, light rail trains and tried to set fire to a gas station in the French Hill neighborhood.

The increased violence was sparked by reports that an Arab teen wounded a week earlier by Israeli forces had died earlier in the day.

The teen was reportedly hit by a sponge bullet used by Israeli police on riot control duty. Israeli officials said the teen, like all other targeted rioters, was hit in the leg by the sponge bullet, and sustained his ultimately fatal injury after falling on his head while fleeing the scene. The boy’s father insisted that the sponge bullet had hit his son in the head, and was therefore the cause of his death.

Sunday’s explosion of violence caused even greater damage to Jerusalem’s light rail, and the aforementioned gas station was badly burned. Employees reported having to escape the premises under a hail of stones and firebombs.

At least two Israeli motorists were wounded when their vehicles were attacked on the eastern side of Jerusalem.

Original Post by Israel today