Doctors in China Amazed After ‘Miracle Baby’ Survives Night in Morgue


Christian Post Report – Chen Yiming touches the hand of his newborn baby at Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai October 24, 2011. Chen Yiming and his wife Yang Huiqing, both born under the one-child policy, had their first baby as the world population was about to reach the seven billion mark. China, the world’s most populated country with more that 1.34 billion people, introduced a law that limits most urban families to one child. The policy is meant to avoid over-population, but as families shrink and the population structure moves towards an inverted pyramid, many demographers worry that a shrinking pool of young people won’t be able to support and care for their elders. The United Nation projects the world’s population will reach 7 billion on October 31, 2011. Picture taken on October 23, 2011.

Doctors in China are amazed by a recent “miracle baby” that was pronounced dead, only to survive a night in the morgue and show signs of life moments before his cremation.

An An Lu was born two months premature on January 8 in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, and spent 23 days in an incubator before his parents, surname Lu, were able to take their child home to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

The baby was only able to spend a few days at home with his family when he began showing signs of discoloration. Although his father rushed him back to the hospital, doctors pronounced him dead when his heart stopped beating and he stopped breathing.

While An An’s fate initially looked bleak, doctors at the Pan’an People’s Hospital in Jinhua are now calling him a “miracle” baby after he came “back to life.”

As hospital workers prepared the baby for his cremation, they noticed that the infant was crying out and breathing despite spending the night in the hospital’s mortuary, set at a temperature of 10 degrees Farenheit.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen this. It’s a true miracle,” Dr. Chen Shuanghua, a pediatrician at the Pan’an People’s Hospital, recently told the Epoch Times.

“Having been a pediatrician for over 20 years, I can’t really understand how this miracle happened,” Dr. Chen added.

An An had been frozen for about 12 hours when he was discovered to be alive. He has now been placed in an incubator at the hospital for further evaluation.

Although the baby’s survival is being hailed as a miracle, doctors have remained cautious about his future.

Another “miracle baby” story came out of China in December 2014, when relatives buried a premature child alive on their property, only to discover the infant was still breathing.

The incident took place in Dongdong, Liaoning Province, over one year ago, when parents Lu Xiaoyun and He Yong rushed to the hospital after believing they had suffered a miscarriage and given birth to a stillborn daughter.

While at the hospital, the couple’s mother buried the newborn on the family farm.

When the husband and wife were told by hospital staff that it is possible their infant could have survived the miscarriage, the two rushed home to find that the buried baby was in fact breathing.

And a strange and malicious event occurred in May 2015, when parents in China’s Tian Dong County conspired to bury their newborn child because the infant was born with a cleft lip.

The baby survived eight days underground before he was discovered by a local farm worker, who heard his cries while she picked herbs.

The parents were then arrested for attempting to dispose of the newborn infant due to his physical abnormality.

Wu Weilli, deputy director of pediatrics at Tiandong County People’s Hospital, told local media outlets that he was shocked by the parents’ acts.

“[…] I still can’t believe parents can abandon their own babies. Cleft lip and palate are treatable and many public interest organizations would like to provide funds for those kids,” Weilli had said.

Source : Christian Post