‘If Jesus Is worthy of Eternal Praise, Why Not Start Now,’ Says David’s Tent Worship Director


Christian Post Report – Worship services are taking place 24 hours a day seven days a week at David’s Tent DC, held at the National Mall Washington D.C. until November 8, 2016.

A Christian ministry is holding a continuous worship service 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the nation’s capital to inspire a revival in the United States.

Known as David’s Tent DC, the 24/7 worship service began on Sept. 11, 2015, of last year and will conclude on election day this coming November.

Ryan Montgomery, administrative director for David’s Tent, told The Christian Post that the continuous worship service was inspired by King David, ruler of ancient Israel.

“We were inspired by the devotion of King David, 3,000 years ago in Jerusalem. He hired 4,000 musicians and 288 singers to minister to God 24/7 for the length of his reign,” explained Montgomery.

David's Tent (Photo: Facebook/David’s Tent DC)

Musicians perform during a worship service held at David’s Tent DC, held at the National Mall in Washington D.C. until election day, November 8, 2016.

“Revelation 5 describes how the angels in Heaven never stop crying holy night and day. If Jesus is worthy of eternal praise in Heaven, why not start now?” he asked.

This is not the first time that David’s Tent has come to the nation’s capital, as Montgomery told CP of past years when similar continuous services were held for long periods of time.

“We first did 40 days of 24/7 worship in 2012. We followed that with 42 days in 2013, 50 days in 2014, and now we are five months into 422 days,” said Montgomery.

“We want to give Jesus the biggest ‘We love You!’ from the Church of America we possibly can! We want to declare that He is central in our nation, and that we desire His presence in the midst of all we do.”

While at no point threatened by any legal or bureaucratic harassment, Montgomery did mention to CP that wintry weather has offered some challenges to David’s Tent.

“We did have to move indoors for a few days during winter storm Jonas, but the song kept going 24/7 through it all,” said Montgomery.

According to the David’s Tent website, the worship service “is about defining a culture that is centered around publicly honoring Jesus.”

“We want to see worship in public spaces become the norm, not a special event. Amos 9:11 speaks of the restoration of the fallen Tent of David, meaning that a descendant of David would once again be on the throne,” stated the site.

“This is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who has been crowned King of the Ages! David’s Tent DC is a national confession that Jesus is Lord of America and that we receive Him as such.”

YouTube/Davids Tent
Davids Tent DC 2015 Promo.

Source : Christian Post