SC Megachurch Pastor Perry Noble to Christians: Don’t Vote for Trump in Primary Election


Christian Post Report – U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Greenville, South Carolina February 15, 2016.

Noble, whose NewSpring megachurch is located in Anderson, South Carolina, made his comments in a string of tweets ahead of his state’s primary electon on February 20.

“Going on the record […] Will NOT endorse/support @realDonaldTrump in the SC primary, either Rubio, Cruz or Bush!” the megachurch pastor tweeted on February 15, adding that he appreciates the real estate mogul “as a person – but behind the scenes his campaign is as nasty as any of any of them out there!”

Noble went on to argue that Trump “is NOT the best choice among the current candidates […],” adding that he’s “Asking evangelicals in SC to be #notabouttrump.”

“Seriously concerned that @realDonaldTrump may win SC!!!!’ C’mon y’all – we are better than that!!!!!” Noble added.

Although the well-known pastor has voiced his disapproval of Trump’s policies, he did commend the politician for refusing to participate in the Fox News-hosted debate on January 28.

Due to a disagreement with Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly, Trump opted to skip the debate, instead holding his own rally at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, on the same night.

“This is NOT an endorsement. […] However, is Trump ‘Trumping’ FOX or what?!?!” Noble tweeted in January.

Trump has made numerous attempts to gain the coveted evangelical vote, including discussing his faith and referencing his favorite Bible verse, although his many headline-making faux pas revealed his shallow understanding of Christianity.

According to CNN, a poll taken ahead of the South Carolina primaries shows white evangelical voters approve Trump over Ted Cruz by 19 percent.

Recently, the billionaire real estate mogul questioned how rival Texas Senator Ted Cruz can call himself an evangelical when “he lies so much.”

“How can Ted Cruz be an evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?” Trump asked in a tweet last week.

Despite his antics, Trump has earned some major endorsements, including the support of Jerry Falwell Jr., president of the evangelical Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Falwell confirmed his endorsement shortly after Trump delivered a speech at the Christian college on January 18, calling the presidential candidate “a successful executive and entrepreneur, a wonderful father and a man who I believe can lead our country to greatness again.”

Trump responded by saying he was “honored” to receive the evangelical leader’s endorsement.

“Not only is he a high-quality person, with a wonderful family, whom I have great respect for — I also consider him a very good friend and his support means so much to me,” Trump said.

The presidential candidate has also received the endorsement of former 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Source : Christian Post