Should Christians Watch ‘Deadpool’? 7 Questions to Ask


Christian Post Report – Actor Ryan Reynolds arrives for the premiere of “Deadpool” in New York, February 8, 2016.

“Deadpool” is a gory new flick that’s breaking records at the box office. The 20th Century Fox film is the movie studio’s biggest debut ever, and had the biggest R-rated opening weekend in history, surpassing 2013’s “The Matrix Reloaded” by raking in $132.7 million from Friday to Sunday.

Before deciding whether to see the grisly, sexually-charged new film, however, a recent desiringGod post by Phillip Holmes asks Christians to ponder these seven questions about nudity.

1. When Will I Tear Out My Eye, If Not Now?

Watching nudity isn’t okay, says Holmes, explaining that Jesus said those who look at others with lustful intent have already committed adultery. “Seeing naked women on the screen — or naked men — causes a man, or woman, to sin with their minds and their desires, and often with their bodies.” Based on Matthew 5:28–29, he adds, “If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away.”

2. Am I Longing to See God?

“The defilement of the mind and heart by watching nudity dulls the heart’s ability to see and enjoy God,” says Holmes. The desiringGod writer challenges believers to watch nudity, then praise God and see if they “enjoy Him more.”

3. Do I Care About the Souls of the Nudes?

He explains that when believers embrace nudity in entertainment they are ” … implicitly endorsing the sin of the women who sell themselves this way …,” and are ignoring God’s call for women to adorn themselves in respectable apparel with modesty and self-control (1 Timothy 2:9).

4. Would I Be Glad If My Daughter Played This Role?

When it comes to watching nudity, he says that most Christians are hypocrites — their watching implies that nudity is okay, while in their hearts they know that they would not want someone they cared about — a daughter, wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend — to play the role.

For the full list of 7 questions to ask before seeing “Deadpool,” click here.

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Source : Christian Post