Ex So. Baptist Missions VP Cries ‘Foul’ Over Reason for Firing 30 Communications Missionaries


David Platt (Photo: Courtesy of Bill Bangham)

Christian Post Report – David Platt, president of the International Mission Board, closes the Pastors’ Conference on June 15, 2015, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio, with a sermon on Revelation 1.

A former high ranking administrator at the International Mission Board cried “foul” in an online posting last week following a statement by IMB President David Platt that 30 communications missionaries let go last month were downsized as the result of their failure to keep current in the digital age.

Calling Platt’s statement about the team “patently inaccurate,” Ken Winter said the team’s “stellar efforts have been grossly undervalued and maligned.”

Winter, who a year ago stepped down as vice president of church and partner services, in a Feb. 19 blog entry in which he spoke fondly of about 200 “gifted and godly” men and women who accepted a “voluntary retirement incentive” offered by the IMB, but had choice words about the suggested deficiencies attributed to the 30 others who were involuntarily “removed.”

“Purportedly ‘our mobilization efforts … have not kept up with our times’ and [we] ‘struggle with employing new methods for reaching a changing audience’ and ‘have been disconnected from our field strategy,'” Winter wrote.

Referencing a Feb. 17 Baptist Press release, Winter presumably was speaking of comments made by International Mission Board President David Platt, at a Feb. 16 meeting in Ponce, Puerto Rico, of Baptist state paper leaders.

In the release, Platt reportedley told leaders: “We are way behind in the development of a digital mindset that builds on customization and flexibility rather than predictability and uniformity. Our field and stateside communicators struggle with employing new methods for reaching a changing audience.”

Referencing an earlier statement he made about the difference between God’s perfect and God’s permissive plan, Winters objected to Platt’s assessment of the communication team’s effectiveness.

“Again I experienced that same feeling that I wasn’t witnessing God’s perfect plan – but this time, every fiber of my being also cried ‘foul’! Because I also know this team,” said Winter, who served with the team nine years.

To read the full article in Christian Examiner, click here.

Source : Christian Post