Muslim Nanny Who Beheaded Moscow Girl: ‘Kill My Children, I Don’t Need Them, They Don’t Read the Quran’


Gulchekhra (Gyulchekhra) Bobokulova (Photo: Reuters/Maxim Shemetov)

Christian Post Report – Gulchekhra (Gyulchekhra) Bobokulova, a nanny suspected of murdering a child in her care, sits inside a defendants’ cage as she attends a court hearing in Moscow, Russia, March 2, 2016.

The Muslim nanny in Moscow who beheaded a 4-year-old girl claiming that “Allah ordered” her to do it is now saying she wanted to avenge Muslims being killed by Russian airstrikes in Syria.

“I took revenge against those who spilled blood,” 38-year-old Gulchekhra Bobokulova responded to a question outside of court, Reuters reported. “[Vladimir] Putin spilled blood, planes carried out bombings. Why are Muslims being killed? They also want to live.”

Bobokulova, who is a mother of three, also told reporters that she doesn’t need her children alive.

“You can kill them, I do not need them. They do not read the Quran,” she said, according to Newsweek, referring to the Islamic holy book.

The woman, an Uzbekistan national who was working as a nanny for a Russian family in Moscow, confessed to beheading their 4-year-old daughter and carrying her severed head around the city before she was arrested and taken into custody.

Video released of Bobokulova walking around a metro station depicts her shouting phrases such as “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) and “I am a terrorist.” She is also heard saying “I hate democracy. I’m a terrorist. I’m your suicide bomber. … I’m going to die in a second” and “The end of the world is coming in a second. … I’m your death.”

The suspect is being evaluated for mental problems, Russian authorities revealed, but when asked by journalists about her motives, the nanny said she was “ordered by Allah” to carry out the crime.

Her latest comments on Russian airstrikes regard the ongoing civil war in Syria, where the Islamic State terror group has taken significant territory.

World powers, including Russia, have been carrying out airstrikes in the country aimed at terror targets, but the Putin administration has been accused by the U.S. and by monitoring groups of not just targeting IS, but also other rebel groups, in a bid to aid the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

Human rights groups, such as the Syrian Network for Human Rights, accused Russia in a report of killing at least 1,382 civilians in the month of January, which is more than the number killed by either IS or Assad’s army.

“SNHR affirms that government forces, its militias (Shabiha) and the Russian forces have violated the principles of the human rights international laws which protect the right to life,” the report states. “All evidence and eyewitnesses’ testimonies prove that more than 90 percent of the wide and individual attacks targeted civilians and civil points.”

Russia has denied wrongdoing in Syria, however, and when asked about Bobokulova’s comments, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov argued that she has mental issues.

“You need to regard anything that such a deranged woman says accordingly,” Peskov told reporters.

Although Russian police have said they are not yet treating the case as one of terrorism, Bobokulova told reporters that she had plans to move to Syria, but couldn’t afford it. She was also asked if she wanted to join IS, to which she replied: “I don’t know. I wanted to live there.”

News reports from Uzbekistan have said that she divorced her husband in 2002 and left her family, including her three sons, back home. Bobokulova had apparently been admitted to a psychiatric ward, where she stayed for two weeks.

A man claiming to be her father told the Russian news site Gazeta that his daughter had never mentioned religion to him, and had never went to the mosque in Uzbekistan. Bobokulova’s eldest son, who is 19, was apparently detained by authorities after news of the killing in Moscow, but the family were not told why.

Source : Christian Post