9/11 Families Sponsor Anti-Islamophobia Campaign for Anniversary of Tragedy; Study Claims Islamophobia Is on the Rise in US

(Photo: Christian Post)
(Photo: Christian Post)

The organization September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows has launched a campaign against Islamophobia through a new bus ad promoting religious tolerance and interfaith unity in New York City. This comes just after a recent poll conducted by the Arab American Institute shows that Americans have an increasingly negative attitude toward Muslims in the United States.

“We wanted to make a clear statement that our 9/11 family members do not want to promote fear and hatred in our names,” said Peaceful Tomorrows Project Director Terry Greene, whose brother died aboard United Flight 93, to HuffPost. “We believe that unity and interfaith tolerance are the path forward to a more peaceful tomorrow.”

The push comes as recent polling data from the Arab American Institute reflect an increase in negative reactions to Muslims by Americans.

“Since we first began our polling on American attitudes toward Arabs and Muslims in 2010, there has been continued erosion in the favorable ratings given to both communities, posing a threat to the rights of Arab Americans and American Muslims,” explained the report.

“Favorable attitudes have continued to decline, from 43 percent in 2010 to 32 percent in 2014 for Arabs; and from 35 percent in 2010 to 27 percent in 2014 for Muslims,” he added.

Christian website Charisma News was recently removed an article it published last week titled “Why I Am Absolutely Islamophobic” by Gary Cass after public backlash.

Original Post by Christian Post